
WGA Rescources

Zhang X 3

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12689 A novel PAX6 gene mutation in a Chinese family with aniridia
Song S; Liu Y; Guo S; Zhang L; Zhang X; Wang S; Lu A; Li L
Molecular Vision 2005; 11: 335-337
13024 Regulation of glucocorticoid responsiveness in glaucomatous trabecular meshwork cells by glucocorticoid receptor-β
Zhang X; Clark AF; Yorio T
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2005; 46: 4607-4616
12564 Functional assessment of glutamate clearance mechanisms in a chronic rat glaucoma model using retinal ganglion cell calcium imaging
Hartwick AT; Zhang X; Chauhan BC; Baldridge WH
Journal of Neurochemistry 2005; 94: 794-807

Issue 7-3

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