

Bojic L 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts from Bojic L

8464 Circulating platelet aggregates and progression of visual field loss in glaucoma
Bojic L; Mandic Z; Bukovic D; Karelovic D; Strinic T
Collegium Antropologicum 2002; 26: 589-593
8504 Evaluation of the intraocular pressure-reducing effect of latanoprost as monotherapy in open-angle glaucoma
Mandic Z; Bojic L; Novak-Laus K; Saric D
Collegium Antropologicum 2002; 26: 595-600
8739 Visco and phacoviscocanalostomy in managing glaucoma patients
Mandic Z; Saric D; Bojic L
Collegium Antropologicum 2002; 26: S165-S269

Issue 5-1

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