

Wong TT 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display all abstracts from Wong TT

26986 Tear cytokine profile in medicated glaucoma patients effect of monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 on early posttrabeculectomy outcome.
Chong RS; Jiang YZ; Boey PY; Yu SJ; Htoon HM; Aung T; Khaw PT; Wong TT
Ophthalmology 2010; 117: 2353-2358
27053 Antifibrotic Activity of Bevacizumab on Human Tenon's Fibroblasts In Vitro.
O'Neill EC; Qin Q; Van Bergen NJ; Connell PP; Vasudevan S; Coote MA; Trounce IA; Wong TT; Crowston JG
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2010; 51: 6524-6532

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