

Yu M 15

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66671 Selective laser trabeculoplasty in treating post-trabeculectomy advanced primary open-angle glaucoma
Zhang H
Experimental and therapeutic medicine 2016; 11: 1090-1094
67229 Risk of Visual Field Progression in Glaucoma Patients with Progressive Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thinning: A 5-Year Prospective Study
Yu M
Ophthalmology 2016; 123: 1201-1210
67457 Demographic and clinical characteristics of a paediatric low vision population in a low vision clinic in China
Gao G; Yu M
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2016; 99: 274-279
66671 Selective laser trabeculoplasty in treating post-trabeculectomy advanced primary open-angle glaucoma
Yang Y
Experimental and therapeutic medicine 2016; 11: 1090-1094
67229 Risk of Visual Field Progression in Glaucoma Patients with Progressive Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thinning: A 5-Year Prospective Study
Lin C
Ophthalmology 2016; 123: 1201-1210
67457 Demographic and clinical characteristics of a paediatric low vision population in a low vision clinic in China
Dai J
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2016; 99: 274-279
66671 Selective laser trabeculoplasty in treating post-trabeculectomy advanced primary open-angle glaucoma
Xu J
Experimental and therapeutic medicine 2016; 11: 1090-1094
67229 Risk of Visual Field Progression in Glaucoma Patients with Progressive Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thinning: A 5-Year Prospective Study
Weinreb RN; Lai G
Ophthalmology 2016; 123: 1201-1210
67457 Demographic and clinical characteristics of a paediatric low vision population in a low vision clinic in China
Xue F
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2016; 99: 274-279
66671 Selective laser trabeculoplasty in treating post-trabeculectomy advanced primary open-angle glaucoma
Yu M
Experimental and therapeutic medicine 2016; 11: 1090-1094
67457 Demographic and clinical characteristics of a paediatric low vision population in a low vision clinic in China
Wang X
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2016; 99: 274-279
67229 Risk of Visual Field Progression in Glaucoma Patients with Progressive Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thinning: A 5-Year Prospective Study
Chiu V
Ophthalmology 2016; 123: 1201-1210
67457 Demographic and clinical characteristics of a paediatric low vision population in a low vision clinic in China
Zou L
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2016; 99: 274-279
67229 Risk of Visual Field Progression in Glaucoma Patients with Progressive Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thinning: A 5-Year Prospective Study
Leung CK
Ophthalmology 2016; 123: 1201-1210
67457 Demographic and clinical characteristics of a paediatric low vision population in a low vision clinic in China
Chen M; Ma F
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2016; 99: 274-279

Issue 17-4

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