
WGA Rescources

Li Y 3

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21591 Rgcs1, a dominant QTL that affects retinal ganglion cell death after optic nerve crush in mice
Dietz JA; Li Y; Chung LM; Yandell BS; Schlamp CL; Nickells RW
BMC Neuroscience 2008; 9: 74
21543 Late-onset bilateral lens dislocation and glaucoma associated with a novel mutation in FBNI
Deng T; Dong B; Zhang X; Dai H; Li Y
Molecular Vision 2008; 14: 1229-1233
21477 Transplanted olfactory ensheathing cells incorporated into the optic nerve head ensheathe retinal ganglion cell axons: possible relevance to glaucoma
Li Y; Li D; Khaw PT; Raisman G
Neuroscience Letters 2008; 440: 251-254

Issue 10-3

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