
WGA Rescources

Pfeiffer N 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display all abstracts from Pfeiffer N

56668 The Evonik-Mainz-Eye-Care-Study (EMECS): Design and Execution of the Screening Investigation
Barleon L; Wahl J; Morfeld P; Deters C; Lichtmeβ A; Haas-Brähler S; Müller U; Breitstadt R; Pfeiffer N
PLoS ONE 2014; 9: e98538
56120 Dynamics, alterations, and consequences of minimally invasive intraocular pressure elevation in rats
Gramlich OW; Lueckner TC; Kriechbaum M; Teister J; Tao X; von Pein HD; Pfeiffer N; Grus FH
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2014; 55: 600-611

Issue 16-1

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