

Zawinka C 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts from Zawinka C

9802 Response of retinal blood flow to CO2-breathing in humans
Dorner GT; Garhoefer G; Zawinka C; Kiss B; Schmetterer L
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2002; 12: 459-466
9799 Effects of adrenomedullin on ocular hemodynamic parameters in the choroid and the ophthalmic artery
Dorner GT; Garhofer G; Huemer KH; Golestani E; Zawinka C; Schmetterer L; Wolzt M
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2003; 44: 3947-3951
9798 Effect of intravenous administration of sodium-lactate on retinal blood flow in healthy subjects
Garhofer G; Zawinka C; Resch H; Menke M; Schmetterer L; Dorner GT
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2003; 44: 3972-3976

Issue 5-3

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