

Li B 17

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60692 Comparison of Superior Rectus and Peripheral Lamellar Corneal Traction Suture during Trabeculectomy
Li B
Current Eye Research 2015; 0: 1-7
60648 Ser341Pro MYOC gene mutation in a family with primary open-angle glaucoma
Wang F
International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2015; 35: 1230-1236
60176 Gene transfer to human trabecular meshwork cells in vitro and ex vivo using HIV-based lentivirus
Xiang Y
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2014; 7: 924-929
60648 Ser341Pro MYOC gene mutation in a family with primary open-angle glaucoma
Li Y
International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2015; 35: 1230-1236
60692 Comparison of Superior Rectus and Peripheral Lamellar Corneal Traction Suture during Trabeculectomy
Zhang M
Current Eye Research 2015; 0: 1-7
60176 Gene transfer to human trabecular meshwork cells in vitro and ex vivo using HIV-based lentivirus
Li B
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2014; 7: 924-929
60648 Ser341Pro MYOC gene mutation in a family with primary open-angle glaucoma
Lan L
International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2015; 35: 1230-1236
60176 Gene transfer to human trabecular meshwork cells in vitro and ex vivo using HIV-based lentivirus
Wang JM
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2014; 7: 924-929
60692 Comparison of Superior Rectus and Peripheral Lamellar Corneal Traction Suture during Trabeculectomy
Liu W; Wang J
Current Eye Research 2015; 0: 1-7
60176 Gene transfer to human trabecular meshwork cells in vitro and ex vivo using HIV-based lentivirus
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2014; 7: 924-929
60648 Ser341Pro MYOC gene mutation in a family with primary open-angle glaucoma
Li B
International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2015; 35: 1230-1236
60176 Gene transfer to human trabecular meshwork cells in vitro and ex vivo using HIV-based lentivirus
Zhang H
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2014; 7: 924-929
60648 Ser341Pro MYOC gene mutation in a family with primary open-angle glaucoma
Lin L
International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2015; 35: 1230-1236
60176 Gene transfer to human trabecular meshwork cells in vitro and ex vivo using HIV-based lentivirus
Manyande A
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2014; 7: 924-929
60648 Ser341Pro MYOC gene mutation in a family with primary open-angle glaucoma
Lu X
International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2015; 35: 1230-1236
60176 Gene transfer to human trabecular meshwork cells in vitro and ex vivo using HIV-based lentivirus
Tian XB
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2014; 7: 924-929
60648 Ser341Pro MYOC gene mutation in a family with primary open-angle glaucoma
Li J
International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2015; 35: 1230-1236

Issue 16-4

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