

Lemij HG 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts from Lemij HG

14041 Enhanced imaging algorithm for scanning laser polarimetry with variable corneal compensation
Reus NJ; Zhou Q; Lemij HG
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2006; 47: 3870-3877
14013 Estimating the clinical usefulness of optic disc biometry for detecting glaucomatous change over time
Tangelder GJ; Reus NJ; Lemij HG
Eye 2006; 20: 755-763
14014 Automated detection of wedge-shaped defects in polarimetric images of the retinal nerve fibre layer
Vermeer KA; Reus NJ; Vos FM; Vossepoel AM; Lemij HG
Eye 2006; 20: 776-784

Issue 8-3

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