

Lin S 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts from Lin S

22300 Ultrastructure and fluid flow physiology of fetal trabecular meshwork cells
Lee OT; Wong J; Liepmann D; Lang T; Lin S
Current Eye Research 2008; 33: 849-856
22373 Tonometry through the ages
Kniestedt C; Punjabi O; Lin S; Stamper RL
Survey of Ophthalmology 2008; 53: 568-591
22068 The association of membrane frizzled-related protein (MFRP) gene with acute angle-closure glaucoma - A pilot study
Wang I-J; Lin S; Chiang T-H; Chen ZT-Y; Lim LLK; Hung P-T; Shih Y-F
Molecular Vision 2008; 14: 1673-1679

Issue 10-4

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