

Mackey DA 25

Showing records 1 to 25 | Display all abstracts from Mackey DA

106183 Attitudes Toward Glaucoma Genetic Risk Assessment in Unaffected Individuals
Hollitt GL
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 38
105995 Specifications of the ACMG/AMP variant curation guidelines for myocilin: Recommendations from the clingen glaucoma expert panel
Burdon KP
Human Mutation 2022; 43: 2170-2186
106636 Cost-effectiveness of polygenic risk profiling for primary open-angle glaucoma in the United Kingdom and Australia
Liu Q
Eye 2023; 37: 2335-2343
106183 Attitudes Toward Glaucoma Genetic Risk Assessment in Unaffected Individuals
Siggs OM
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 38
105995 Specifications of the ACMG/AMP variant curation guidelines for myocilin: Recommendations from the clingen glaucoma expert panel
Graham P
Human Mutation 2022; 43: 2170-2186
106636 Cost-effectiveness of polygenic risk profiling for primary open-angle glaucoma in the United Kingdom and Australia
Davis J
Eye 2023; 37: 2335-2343
105995 Specifications of the ACMG/AMP variant curation guidelines for myocilin: Recommendations from the clingen glaucoma expert panel
Hadler J
Human Mutation 2022; 43: 2170-2186
106636 Cost-effectiveness of polygenic risk profiling for primary open-angle glaucoma in the United Kingdom and Australia
Han X
Eye 2023; 37: 2335-2343
106183 Attitudes Toward Glaucoma Genetic Risk Assessment in Unaffected Individuals
Ridge B; Keane MC
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 38
105995 Specifications of the ACMG/AMP variant curation guidelines for myocilin: Recommendations from the clingen glaucoma expert panel
Hulleman JD
Human Mutation 2022; 43: 2170-2186
106636 Cost-effectiveness of polygenic risk profiling for primary open-angle glaucoma in the United Kingdom and Australia
Mackey DA
Eye 2023; 37: 2335-2343
105995 Specifications of the ACMG/AMP variant curation guidelines for myocilin: Recommendations from the clingen glaucoma expert panel
Pasutto F
Human Mutation 2022; 43: 2170-2186
106636 Cost-effectiveness of polygenic risk profiling for primary open-angle glaucoma in the United Kingdom and Australia
Macgregor S
Eye 2023; 37: 2335-2343
106183 Attitudes Toward Glaucoma Genetic Risk Assessment in Unaffected Individuals
Mackey DA
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 38
106636 Cost-effectiveness of polygenic risk profiling for primary open-angle glaucoma in the United Kingdom and Australia
Craig JE
Eye 2023; 37: 2335-2343
106183 Attitudes Toward Glaucoma Genetic Risk Assessment in Unaffected Individuals
Macgregor S
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 38
105995 Specifications of the ACMG/AMP variant curation guidelines for myocilin: Recommendations from the clingen glaucoma expert panel
Boese EA
Human Mutation 2022; 43: 2170-2186
106636 Cost-effectiveness of polygenic risk profiling for primary open-angle glaucoma in the United Kingdom and Australia
Si L
Eye 2023; 37: 2335-2343
106183 Attitudes Toward Glaucoma Genetic Risk Assessment in Unaffected Individuals
Hewitt AW
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 38
105995 Specifications of the ACMG/AMP variant curation guidelines for myocilin: Recommendations from the clingen glaucoma expert panel
Craig JE
Human Mutation 2022; 43: 2170-2186
106183 Attitudes Toward Glaucoma Genetic Risk Assessment in Unaffected Individuals
Craig JE
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 38
106636 Cost-effectiveness of polygenic risk profiling for primary open-angle glaucoma in the United Kingdom and Australia
Hewitt AW
Eye 2023; 37: 2335-2343
105995 Specifications of the ACMG/AMP variant curation guidelines for myocilin: Recommendations from the clingen glaucoma expert panel
Fingert JH; Hewitt AW
Human Mutation 2022; 43: 2170-2186
106183 Attitudes Toward Glaucoma Genetic Risk Assessment in Unaffected Individuals
Souzeau E
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 38
105995 Specifications of the ACMG/AMP variant curation guidelines for myocilin: Recommendations from the clingen glaucoma expert panel
Siggs OM; Whisenhunt K; Young TL; Mackey DA; Dubowsky A; Souzeau E
Human Mutation 2022; 43: 2170-2186

Issue 23-3

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