

Mackey DA 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts from Mackey DA

13534 Confirmation of the adult-onset primary open angle glaucoma locus GLC1B at 2cen-q13 in an Australian family
Charlesworth JC; Stankovich JM; Mackey DA; Craig JE; Haybittel M; Westmore RN; Sale MM
Ophthalmologica 2006; 220: 23-30
13343 Chromosomal abnormalities and glaucoma: A case of congenital glaucoma with trisomy 8q22-Qter/monosomy 9p23-Pter
Cohn AC; Kearns LS; Savarirayan R; Ryan J; Craig JE; Mackey DA
Ophthalmic Genetics 2005; 26: 45-53
13407 A myocilin Gln368STOP homozygote does not exhibit a more severe glaucoma phenotype than heterozygous cases
Hewitt AW; Bennett SL; Dimasi DP; Craig JE; Mackey DA
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2006; 141: 402-403

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