

Khaw PT 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts from Khaw PT

13394 Pointwise linear progression criteria and the detection of visual field change in a glaucoma trial
Wilkins MR; Fitzke FW; Khaw PT
Eye 2006; 20: 98-106
13382 Angle-closure glaucoma in East Asian and European people. Different diseases?
He M; Foster PJ; Johnson GJ; Khaw PT
Eye 2006; 20: 3-12
13528 Human serum reduces Mitomycin-C cytotoxicity in human Tenon's fibroblasts
Crowston JG; Wang XY; Khaw PT; Zoellner H; Healey PR
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2006; 47: 946-952

Issue 8-1

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