

Gressnerova S 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display all abstracts from Gressnerova S

10893 Intraocular pressure in rabbits after administration of 10% L-arginine HCl in 2% Trusopt
Veselovsky J; Olah Z; Vesela A; Gressnerova S
Česka a Slovenska Oftalmologie 2004; 60: 81-8
10892 The amino acid 10% L-arginin.HCl combined with 0.5% timoptol and with 2% trusopt: Effectivity check and comparison with the single compounds - Experiment on rabbits
Veselovsky J; Olah Z; Vesela A; Gressnerova S
Česka a Slovenska Oftalmologie 2004; 60: 163-170

Issue 6-2

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