

Singh R 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display all abstracts from Singh R

27320 Prevalence and causes of blindness, low vision and status of cataract in 50 years and older citizen of Qatar-A community based survey
Gamra HA; Mansouri FA; Khandekar R; Elshafei M; Qahtani OA; Singh R; Hashim SP; Mujahed A; Makled A; Pai A
Ophthalmic Epidemiology 2010; 17: 292-300
27254 Visual prognosis, intraocular pressure control and complications in phacomorphic glaucoma following manual small incision cataract surgery
Ramakrishanan R; Maheshwari D; Kader MA; Singh R; Pawar N; Bharathi MJ
Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 2010; 58: 303-306

Issue 12-4

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