

Lamoureux EL 13

Showing records 1 to 13 | Display all abstracts from Lamoureux EL

112698 Evaluating the outcome of screening for glaucoma using colour fundus photography-based referral criteria in a teleophthalmology screening programme for diabetic retinopathy
Tan R
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 0:
112034 Factors associated with glaucoma-specific quality of life in a US glaucoma clinic in a pilot implementation of an online computerised adaptive test (GlauCAT)
Halawa OA
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 107: 1079-1085
112698 Evaluating the outcome of screening for glaucoma using colour fundus photography-based referral criteria in a teleophthalmology screening programme for diabetic retinopathy
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 0:
112034 Factors associated with glaucoma-specific quality of life in a US glaucoma clinic in a pilot implementation of an online computerised adaptive test (GlauCAT)
Roldan AM; Meshkin RS
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 107: 1079-1085
112698 Evaluating the outcome of screening for glaucoma using colour fundus photography-based referral criteria in a teleophthalmology screening programme for diabetic retinopathy
Husain R
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 0:
112034 Factors associated with glaucoma-specific quality of life in a US glaucoma clinic in a pilot implementation of an online computerised adaptive test (GlauCAT)
Zebardast N
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 107: 1079-1085
112698 Evaluating the outcome of screening for glaucoma using colour fundus photography-based referral criteria in a teleophthalmology screening programme for diabetic retinopathy
Tan NC
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 0:
112034 Factors associated with glaucoma-specific quality of life in a US glaucoma clinic in a pilot implementation of an online computerised adaptive test (GlauCAT)
Fenwick EK
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 107: 1079-1085
112698 Evaluating the outcome of screening for glaucoma using colour fundus photography-based referral criteria in a teleophthalmology screening programme for diabetic retinopathy
Lee QX
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 0:
112034 Factors associated with glaucoma-specific quality of life in a US glaucoma clinic in a pilot implementation of an online computerised adaptive test (GlauCAT)
Lamoureux EL
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 107: 1079-1085
112698 Evaluating the outcome of screening for glaucoma using colour fundus photography-based referral criteria in a teleophthalmology screening programme for diabetic retinopathy
Hamzah H
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 0:
112034 Factors associated with glaucoma-specific quality of life in a US glaucoma clinic in a pilot implementation of an online computerised adaptive test (GlauCAT)
Friedman DS
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 107: 1079-1085
112698 Evaluating the outcome of screening for glaucoma using colour fundus photography-based referral criteria in a teleophthalmology screening programme for diabetic retinopathy
Wong T; Aung T; Cheng CY; Lamoureux EL; Tan CS; Wong HT; Wong TY; Tan GSW
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 0:

Issue 24-3

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