

Oen FT 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display all abstracts from Oen FT

10379 Interocular asymmetry of visual field defects in primary open angle glaucoma and primary angle-closure glaucoma
Wang JC; Gazzard G; Foster PJ; Devereux JG; Oen FT; Chew PT; Khaw PT; Seah SK
Eye 2004; 18: 365-368
10421 Randomized controlled trial comparing the effect of brimonidine and timolol on visual field loss after acute primary angle closure
Aung T; Oen FT; Wong HT; Chan YH; Khoo BK; Liu YP; Ho CL; See J; Thean LH; Viswanathan AC
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2004; 88: 88-94

Issue 6-1

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