

King AJ 4

Showing records 1 to 4 | Display all abstracts from King AJ

46501 Treating patients presenting with advanced glaucoma - Should we reconsider current practice?
King AJ; Stead RE; Rotchford AP
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2011; 95: 1185-1192
46638 Monocular Trial of Intraocular Pressure-Lowering Medication. A Prospective Study
King AJ; Uppal S; Rotchford AP; Lakshumanan A; Abedin A; Henry E
Ophthalmology 2011;
46986 Attitudes Of Consultant Ophthalmologists In The Uk To Initial Management Of Glaucoma Patients Presenting With Severe Visual Field Loss: A national survey
Stead R; Azuara-Blanco A; King AJ
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2011;
46500 Outcome of trabeculectomy with mitomycin C in patients with advanced glaucoma
Stead RE; King AJ
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2011; 95: 960-965

Issue 13-3

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