

Zhang Y 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts from Zhang Y

17497 Difference of kynurenine aminotransferase-II in eyes with DBA/2J intraocular hypertension model and normal BL6 mice
Xiong X; Zheng H; Zhao Z; Zhang Y; Bolz S
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2007; 25: 245-248
17593 Iris laser photocoagulation combined with Healon agent in treatment of neovascular glaucoma
Xin C-M; Zhou Y; Jing X-H; Zhang Y
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 7: 234-235
17981 Laser treatment to large iris cyst secondary to trabeculectomy
Duan X; Zhang Y; Wang N
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 42: 316-317

Issue 9-2

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