
WGA Rescources

Matsumoto Y 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts from Matsumoto Y

27493 Free radicals in the aqueous humor of patients with glaucoma
Oshida E; Matsumoto Y; Arai K
Clinical Ophthalmology 2010; 4: 653-660
27521 ASK1 deficiency attenuates neural cell death in GLAST-deficient mice, a model of normal tension glaucoma
Harada C; Namekata K; Guo X; Yoshida H; Mitamura Y; Matsumoto Y; Tanaka K; Ichijo H; Harada T
Cell Death and Differentiation 2010; 17: 1751-1759
27150 Heparan sulfate deficiency leads to Peters anomaly in mice by disturbing neural crest TGF-(beta)(2) signaling
Iwao K; Inatani M; Matsumoto Y; Ogata-Iwao M; Takihara Y; Irie F; Yamaguchi Y; Okinami S; Tanihara H
Journal of Clinical Investigation 2009; 119: 1997-2008

Issue 12-4

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