

Bhattacharya SS 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display all abstracts from Bhattacharya SS

11388 Chromosomal anomalies on 6p25 in iris hypoplasia and Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome patients defined on a purpose-built genomic microarray
Ekong R; Jeremiah S; Judah D; Lehmann O; Mirzayans F; Hung YC; Walter MA; Bhattacharya SS; Gant TW; Povey S
Human Mutation 2004; 24: 76-85
11236 Mutations of VMD2 splicing regulators cause nanophthalmos and autosomal dominant vitreoretinochoroidopathy (ADVIRC)
Yardley J; Leroy BP; Hart-Holden N; Lafaut BA; Loeys B; Messiaen LM; Perveen R; Reddy MA; Bhattacharya SS; Traboulsi E
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2004; 45: 3683-3689

Issue 6-3

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