

Ebenezer ND 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts from Ebenezer ND

3363 Investigating the association between OPA1 polymorphisms and glaucoma: comparison between normal tension and high tension primary open angle glaucoma
Aung T; Ocaka L; Ebenezer ND; Morris AG; Brice G; Child AH; Hitchings RA; Lehmann OJ; Bhattacharya SS
Human Genetics 2002; 110: 513-514
3697 A major marker for normal tension glaucoma: association with polymorphisms in the OPA1 gene
Aung T; Ocaka L; Ebenezer ND; Morris AG; Krawczak M; Thiselton; Dawn L; Alexander C; Votruba M; Brice G
Human Genetics 2002; 110: 52-56
3698 Ocular developmental abnormalities and glaucoma associated with interstitial 6p25 duplications and deletions
Lehmann OJ; Ebenezer ND; Ekong R; Ocaka L; Mungall AJ; Fraser S; McGill JI; Hitchings RA; Khaw PT; Sowden JC
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 1843-1849

Issue 4-2

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