
WGA Rescources

Nishimura DY 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display all abstracts from Nishimura DY

18912 Non-secretion of mutant proteins of the glaucoma gene myocilin in cultured trabecular meshwork cells and in aqueous humor
Jacobson N; Andrews M; Shepard AR; Nishimura DY; Searby CC; Fingert JH; Hageman G; Mullins R; Davidson BL; Kwon YH
Human Molecular Genetics 2001; 10: 117-125
18916 A spectrum of FOXC1 mutations suggests gene dosage as a mechanism for developmental defects of the anterior chamber of the eye
Nishimura DY; Searby CC; Alward WLM; Walton D; Craig JE; Mackey DA; Kawase K; Kanis AB; Patil SR; Stone EM
American Journal of Human Genetics 2001; 68: 364-372

Issue 3-1

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