

Russo R 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display all abstracts from Russo R

21962 17β-Estradiol prevents retinal ganglion cell loss induced by acute rise of intraocular pressure in rat
Russo R; Cavaliere F; Watanabe C; Nucci C; Bagetta G; Corasaniti MT; Sakurada S; Morrone LA
Progress in Brain Research 2008; 173: 583-590
21953 Rational basis for the development of coenzyme Q10 as a neurotherapeutic agent for retinal protection
Russo R; Cavaliere F; Rombola L; Gliozzi M; Cerulli A; Nucci C; Fazzi E; Bagetta G; Corasaniti MT; Morrone LA
Progress in Brain Research 2008; 173: 575-582

Issue 10-4

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