

Jung SH 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display all abstracts from Jung SH

27265 Sulbutiamine counteracts trophic factor deprivation induced apoptotic cell death in transformed retinal ganglion cells
Kang KD; Abdul Majid AS; Kim K-A; Kang K; Ahn HR; Nho CW; Jung SH
Neurochemical Research 2010; 35: 1828-1839
27220 Isoquercitrin is the most effective antioxidant in the plant Thuja orientalis and able to counteract oxidative-induced damage to a transformed cell line (RGC-5 cells)
Jung SH; Kim BJ; Lee EH; Osborne NN
Neurochemistry International 2010; 57: 713-721

Issue 12-4

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