

Saeedi OJ 16

Showing records 1 to 16 | Display all abstracts from Saeedi OJ

106491 A Pilot Study Assessing Retinal Blood Flow Dysregulation in Glaucoma Using Erythrocyte Mediated Velocimetry
Chen VY
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 19
106795 Visualization of erythrocyte stasis in the living human eye in health and disease
Li J; Wang D
iScience 2023; 26: 105755
106491 A Pilot Study Assessing Retinal Blood Flow Dysregulation in Glaucoma Using Erythrocyte Mediated Velocimetry
Le CT; Pottenburgh J
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 19
106795 Visualization of erythrocyte stasis in the living human eye in health and disease
Pottenburgh J; Pottenburgh J
iScience 2023; 26: 105755
106491 A Pilot Study Assessing Retinal Blood Flow Dysregulation in Glaucoma Using Erythrocyte Mediated Velocimetry
Pottenburgh J
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 19
106795 Visualization of erythrocyte stasis in the living human eye in health and disease
Bower AJ
iScience 2023; 26: 105755
106491 A Pilot Study Assessing Retinal Blood Flow Dysregulation in Glaucoma Using Erythrocyte Mediated Velocimetry
Siddiqui A
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 19
106795 Visualization of erythrocyte stasis in the living human eye in health and disease
Asanad S; Asanad S
iScience 2023; 26: 105755
106491 A Pilot Study Assessing Retinal Blood Flow Dysregulation in Glaucoma Using Erythrocyte Mediated Velocimetry
Park A
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 19
106795 Visualization of erythrocyte stasis in the living human eye in health and disease
Lai EW
iScience 2023; 26: 105755
106491 A Pilot Study Assessing Retinal Blood Flow Dysregulation in Glaucoma Using Erythrocyte Mediated Velocimetry
Asanad S; Asanad S; Magder L
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 19
106795 Visualization of erythrocyte stasis in the living human eye in health and disease
Simon C; Im L
iScience 2023; 26: 105755
106491 A Pilot Study Assessing Retinal Blood Flow Dysregulation in Glaucoma Using Erythrocyte Mediated Velocimetry
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 19
106795 Visualization of erythrocyte stasis in the living human eye in health and disease
Huryn LA
iScience 2023; 26: 105755
106491 A Pilot Study Assessing Retinal Blood Flow Dysregulation in Glaucoma Using Erythrocyte Mediated Velocimetry
Saeedi OJ
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 19
106795 Visualization of erythrocyte stasis in the living human eye in health and disease
Tao Y; Tam J; Saeedi OJ
iScience 2023; 26: 105755

Issue 23-3

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