

1.1 Epidemiology (14)

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20956 Prevalence of primary angle-closure disease in an urban south Indian population and comparison with a rural population. The Chennai Glaucoma Study
Vijaya L; George R; Arvind H; Baskaran M; Ve Ramesh S; Raju P; Kumaramanickavel G; McCarty C
Ophthalmology 2008; 115: 655-660
20957 Prevalence of primary open-angle glaucoma in an urban south Indian population and comparison with a rural population. The Chennai Glaucoma Study
Vijaya L; George R; Baskaran M; Arvind H; Raju P; Ramesh SV; Kumaramanickavel G; McCarty C
Ophthalmology 2008; 115: 648-654
21069 The Venezuela eye evaluation study
Mitchell JP; Williams N; Martin R; Keshava P; Bynum MM; Figueroa M; Yancy A; DellaRocca R
Journal of the National Medical Association 2008; 100: 435-438
21302 Prevalence of glaucoma in Sunsari district of eastern Nepal
Sah RP; Badhu BP; Pokharel PK; Thakur SKD; Das H; Panda A
Kathmandu University Medical Journal 2007; 5: 343-348
20887 Central corneal thickness in adult Chinese. Association with ocular and general parameters. The Beijing Eye Study
Zhang H; Xu L; Chen C; Jonas JB
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2008; 246: 587-592
20913 Anterior chamber depth and chamber angle and their associations with ocular and general parameters: The Beijing Eye Study
Xu L; Cao WF; Wang YX; Chen CX; Jonas JB
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 145: 929-936
21167 Myocilin variations and familial glaucoma in Taxiarchis, a small Greek village
Wirtz MK; Konstas AGP; Samples JR; Kaltsos K; Economou A; Dimopoulos A; Georgiadou I; Petersen MB
Molecular Vision 2008; 14: 774-781
21421 Intraocular pressure in an ophthalmologically normal Japanese population
Fukuoka S; Aihara M; Iwase A; Araie M
Acta Ophthalmologica 2008; 86: 434-439
21004 Retinal vascular caliber, blood pressure, and cardiovascular risk factors in an Asian population: The Singapore Malay Eye Study
Sun C; Liew G; Wang JJ; Mitchell P; Saw SM; Aung T; Tai ES; Wong TY
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2008; 49: 1784-1790
20998 Caffeine consumption and the risk of primary open-angle glaucoma: A prospective cohort study
Kang JH; Willett WC; Rosner BA; Hankinson SE; Pasquale LR
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2008; 49: 1924-1931
21422 Reduction in admissions of patients with acute primary angle closure occurring in conjunction with a rise in cataract surgery in Taiwan
Hu C-C; Lin H-C; Chen C-S; Kuo N-W
Acta Ophthalmologica 2008; 86: 440-445
21321 Determinants of angle closure in older Singaporeans
Lavanya R; Wong TY; Friedman DS; Aung HT; Alfred T; Gao H; Seah SK; Kashiwagi K; Foster PJ; Aung T
Archives of Ophthalmology 2008; 126: 686-691
21363 Tilted optic discs: The Beijing Eye Study
You QS; Xu L; Jonas JB
Eye 2008; 22: 728-729
21322 Functional health literacy in patients with glaucoma in urban settings
Juzych MS; Randhawa S; Shukairy A; Kaushal P; Gupta A; Shalauta N
Archives of Ophthalmology 2008; 126: 718-724

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