

1.1 Epidemiology (2)

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10791 Prevalence of glaucoma in an African population
Ntim-Amponsah CT; Amoaku WM; Ofosu-Amaah S; Ewusi RK; Idirisuriya-Khair R; Nyatepe-Coo E; Adu-Darko M
Eye 2004; 18: 491-7
10889 Prevalence of open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension in Latinos: the Los Angeles Latino Eye Study
Varma R; Ying-Lai M; Francis BA; Nguyen BB,; Deneen J; Wilson MR; Azen SP; Los Angeles Latino Eye Study Group
Ophthalmology 2004; 111: 1439-48

Issue 6-2

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