

11.1 General management, indication (11)

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5184 Metaplazja plaskonablonkowa spojowki galkoweg w przebiegu dlugotrwalego stosowania lekow przeciwjaskrowych (Squamous metaplasia of bulbar conjunctiva in the course of long-term topical antiglaucoma therapy)
Wroblewska E
Klinika Oczna 1999; 101: 41-43
5185 Liczba komorek kubkowych w spojowce galkowej po dlugotrwalym stosowaniu lekow przeciwjaskrowych (Goblet cells density of bulbar conjunctiva after long-term topical antiglaucoma therapy)
Wroblewska E
Klinika Oczna 1999; 101: 45-47
5389 The Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study: design and baseline description of the participants.
Gordon MO; Kass MA
Archives of Ophthalmology 1999; 117: 573-583
5390 Assessment of ocular hypotensive mechanisms and additivity of antiglaucoma drugs in humans (editorial; comment)
Kaufman PF
Archives of Ophthalmology 1999; 117: 673-674
5391 Use of guidelines in the management of patients with glaucoma
Lee P
Disease Management and Health Outcomes 1999; 5: 187-195
5392 Glaucoma comanagement: A practical guide
Meckelborg CB
Practical Optometry 1999; 10: 96-100
5393 Ethical considerations related to outcome studies-based clinical practice guidelines
Panek WC
Journal of Glaucoma 1999; 8: 267-272
5394 Perspectives in the medical treatment of glaucoma
Stewart WC
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 1999; 10: 99-108
5395 Incidence of keratopathy following long-term instillation of single or multiple antiglaucomatous medications
Takahashi N; Hatafuku M; Nishimura T; Hosobe Y; Tazawa Y
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 1999; 53: 1199-1203
5396 The role of medical therapy in the rank order of glaucoma treatment
Wilensky JT
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 1999; 10: 109-111
5397 Proba Schirmera I I czas przerwania filmu izowego u chorych stosujacuch przewlekle leki przeciwjaskrowe (Schirmer test I and BUT (break-up time) in patients treated with topical antiglaucoma drugs for a long time)
Wroblewska E
Klinika Oczna 1999; 101: 49-50

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