

11.13.2 Betablocker and carbon anhydrase inhibitor (2)

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Display all abstracts in classification 11.13.2 Betablocker and carbon anhydrase inhibitor

Search within classification 11.13.2 Betablocker and carbon anhydrase inhibitor
50940 Fixed topical combinations in glaucomatous patients and ocular discomfort
Nebbioso M; Evangelista M; Librando A; Di Blasio D; Pescosolido N
Expert Opinion in Pharmacotherapy 2012; 13: 1829-1835
51309 Three-month evaluation of dorzolamide hydrochloride/timolol maleate fixed-combination eye drops versus the separate use of both drugs
Inoue K; Shiokawa M; Sugahara M; Wakakura M; Soeda S; Tomita G
Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 2012; 56: 559-563

Issue 14-3

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