
WGA Rescources

11.13.4 Betablocker and prostaglandin (6)

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Display all abstracts in classification 11.13.4 Betablocker and prostaglandin

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22577 Intraocular pressure control over 24 hours using travoprost and timolol fixed combination administered in the morning or evening in primary open-angle and exfoliative glaucoma
Konstas AG; Tsironi S; Vakalis AN; Nasr MB; Stewart JA; Nelson LA; Stewart WC
Acta Ophthalmologica 2009; 87: 71-76
22850 Changes in intraocular pressure following a switch from latanoprost monotherapy to latanoprost/timolol fixed combination therapy in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension: Results from a clinical practice database
Lazaridou M-N; Montgomery DI; Ho WO; Jaberoo D
Current Medical Research and Opinion 2008; 24: 2725-2728
22943 Intraocular pressure control with latanoprost/timolol and travoprost/timolol fixed combinations: A retrospective, multicentre, cross-sectional study
Denis P; Lafuma A; Jeanbat V; Laurendeau C; Berdeaux G
Clinical Drug Investigation 2008; 28: 767-776
22942 Bimatoprost/timolol: A review of its use in glaucoma and ocular hypertension
Curran MP; Orman JS
Drugs and Aging 2009; 26: 169-184
22516 Efficacy of the fixed combinations of bimatoprost or latanoprost plus timolol in patients uncontrolled with prostaglandin monotherapy: A multicenter, randomized, investigator-masked, clinical study
Centofanti M; Oddone F; Vetrugno M; Manni G; Fogagnolo P; Tanga L; Ferreri P; Rossetti L
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2009; 19: 66-71
22944 Cost effectiveness of travoprost versus a fixed combination of latanoprost/timolol in patients with ocular hypertension or glaucoma: Analysis based on the UK general practitioner research database
De Natale R; Lafuma A; Berdeaux G
Clinical Drug Investigation 2009; 29: 111-120

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