

11.13.4 Betablocker and prostaglandin (6)

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Display all abstracts in classification 11.13.4 Betablocker and prostaglandin

Search within classification 11.13.4 Betablocker and prostaglandin
27394 Twenty-four-hour intraocular pressure control with latanoprost-timolol-fixed combination versus bimatoprost in patients who switched from Timolol
Mesci C; Aydin N; Erbil HH
Journal of Glaucoma 2010;
27193 The intraocular pressure-lowering effect of prostaglandin analogs combined with topical (beta)-blocker therapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Webers CAB; Beckers HJM; Zeegers MP; Nuijts RMMA; Hendrikse F; Schouten JSAG
Ophthalmology 2010; 117: 2067-2074
27090 Comparison of travoprost and bimatoprost plus timolol fixed combinations in open-angle glaucoma patients previously treated with latanoprost plus timolol fixed combination
Centofanti M; Oddone F; Gandolfi S; Hommer A; Boehm A; Tanga L; Sangermani C; Sportelli V; Haustein M; Manni G
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2010; 150: 575-580
27263 Comparison of evening and morning dosing of travoprost 0.004%/timolol 0.5% fixed combination in 6 Month Period
Suic SP; Laus KN; Dosen VM; Ekert M; Mandic Z; Bojic L
Collegium Antropologicum 2010; 34: 847-852
27400 Intraocular pressure-lowering efficacy of brinzolamide when added to travoprost/timolol fixed combination as adjunctive therapy
Goldberg I; Crowston JG; Jasek MC; Stewart JA; Stewart WC
Journal of Glaucoma 2010;
27224 A comparative study on the efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of bimatoprost/timolol and dorzolamide/timolol combinations in glaucoma patients
Jothi R; Ismail AM; Senthamarai R; Pal S
Indian Journal of Pharmacology 2010; 42: 362-365

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