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11.13.4 Betablocker and prostaglandin (6)

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Display all abstracts in classification 11.13.4 Betablocker and prostaglandin

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46605 24-Hour intraocular pressure control between travoprost/timolol fixed combination, latanoprost/ timolol fixed combination and standard timolol in primary open angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension
Pachimkul P; Yuttitham K; Thoophom P
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 2011; 94: 81-87
46885 Real-life experience study of the safety and efficacy of travoprost 0.004% / timoptol 0.50% fixed combination ophthalmic solution in intraocular pressure control
Olali C; Malietzis G; Ahmed S; Samaila E; Gupta M
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 2011; 14: 29-33
46375 Travoprost 0.004%/timolol 0.5%-fixed combination with and without benzalkonium chloride: a prospective, randomized, doubled-masked comparison of safety and efficacy
Kitazawa Y; Smith P; Sasaki N; Kotake S; Bae K; Iwamoto Y
Eye 2011; 25: 1161-1169
46876 Cost-effectiveness analysis of travoprost followed by fixed combination travoprost/timolol treatment sequence (T-TTFC) compared to latanoprost followed by latanoprost/timolol fixed combination (L-LTFC) for patients with open angle glaucoma or ocular hyper
Taylor M; Tan R
Value in Health 2010; 13: 509
46877 Costs and effects of fixed combination therapies in open angle glaucoma
Wickstrom J; Centofanti M; Johnson M
Value in Health 2010; 13: 399-400
46881 Cost-effectiveness of brinzolamide/timolol fixed combination (BTFC) versus dorzolamide/timolol fixed combination (DTFC) for patients with open angle glaucoma in Korea and Taiwan
Tan R
Value in Health 2010; 13: 563

Issue 13-3

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