

11.16 Vehicles, delivery systems, pharmacokinetics, formulation (2)

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Display all abstracts in classification 11.16 Vehicles, delivery systems, pharmacokinetics, formulation

Search within classification 11.16 Vehicles, delivery systems, pharmacokinetics, formulation
13182 Efficacy and systemic side-effects of topical 0.5% timolol aqueous solution and 0.1% timolol hydrogel
Uusitalo H; Nino J; Tahvanainen K; Turjanmaa V; Ropo A; Tuominen J; Kahonen M
Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica 2005; 83: 723-728
13174 The influence of intraocular pressure on the transscleral diffusion of high-molecular-weight compounds
Cruysberg LP; Nuijts RM; Geroski DH; Gilbert JA; Hendrikse F; Edelhauser HF
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2005; 46: 3790-3794

Issue 7-3

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