

11.17 Cooperation with medical therapy e.g. persistency, compliance, adherence (9)

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Display all abstracts in classification 11.17 Cooperation with medical therapy e.g. persistency, compliance, adherence

Search within classification 11.17 Cooperation with medical therapy e.g. persistency, compliance, adherence
19920 An information session for glaucoma patients
Blondeau P; Esper P; Mazerolle E
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 42: 816-820
19875 Increasing compliance in glaucoma patients through education
Cochereau I
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 2007; 30: 5 Pt 2 3S79-81
20102 Using pharmacy claims data to study adherence to glaucoma medications: methodology and findings of the Glaucoma Adherence and Persistency Study (GAPS)
Friedman DS; Quigley HA; Gelb L; Tan J; Margolis J; Shah SN; Kim EE; Zimmerman T; Hahn SR
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2007; 48: 5052-5057
19995 Ramadan and eyedrops the muslim perspective
Kumar N; Jivan S
Ophthalmology 2007; 114: 2356-2360
19938 A gap analysis approach to assess patient persistence with glaucoma medication
Lee PP; Walt JG; Chiang TH; Guckian A; Keener J
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 144: 520-524
19816 Development of the conceptual framework for the Eye-Drop Satisfaction Questionnaire (EDSQ) in glaucoma using a qualitative study
Nordmann JP; Denis P; Vigneux M; Trudeau E; Guillemin I; Berdeaux G
BMC Health Services Research 2007; 7: Article Number: 124
20079 Persistency rates for prostaglandin and other hypotensive eyedrops: population-based study using pharmacy claims data
Rait JL; Adena MA
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2007; 35: 602-611
19905 Adherence in glaucoma: objective measurements of once-daily and adjunctive medication use
Robin AL; Novack GD; Covert DW; Crockett RS; Marcic TS
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 144: 533-540
19879 Persistence with medications in glaucoma management, hypertension, and dyslipidemia
Velentgas P; Sheffield R; Nordstrom BL; Johnson E; Do T; Mentor SM; Seeger JD
Journal of Pharmacy Technology 2007; 23: 221-231

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