

11.3.4 Betablocker (8)

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Display all abstracts in classification 11.3.4 Betablocker

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21566 Protective effects of nebivolol on oxygen free radical-induced vasoconstrictions in vitro
Wagenfeld L; Himpel O; Galambos P; Matthiesen N; Wiermann A; Richard G; Klemm M; Zeitz O
Medical Science Monitor 2008; 14: BR109-BR112
21567 Effects of the systemic β-adrenoceptor antagonist nebivolol on ocular hemodynamics in glaucoma patients
Zeitz O; Galambos P; Matthiesen N; Wagenfeld L; Schillinger W; Wiermann A; Richard G; Klemm M
Medical Science Monitor 2008; 14: CR268-CR275
21551 Efficacy of brinzolamide and levobetaxolol in pediatric glaucomas: A randomized clinical trial
Whitson JT; Roarty JD; Vijaya L; Robin AL; Gross RD; Landry TA; Dickerson JE; Scheib SA; Scott H; Hua SY
Journal of AAPOS 2008; 12: 239-246e3
21824 Clinical efficacy of topical nipradilol and timolol on visual field performance in normal-tension glaucoma: A multi-center, randomized, double-masked comparative study
Araie M; Shirato S; Yamazaki Y; Kitazawa Y; Ohashi Y; the Nipradilol-Timolol Study Group
Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 52: 255-264
21873 Intraocular pressure response to medication in a clinical setting: The Marshfield Clinic Personalized Medicine Research Project
McCarty CA; Mukesh BN; Kitchner TE; Hubbard WC; Wilke RA; Burmester JK; Patchett RB
Journal of Glaucoma 2008; 17: 372-377
21675 Timolol concentrations in breast milk of a woman treated for glaucoma: Calculation of neonatal exposure
Madadi P; Koren G; Freeman DJ; Oertel R; Campbell RJ; Trope GE
Journal of Glaucoma 2008; 17: 329-331
21744 Intraocular pressure response to topical β-blockers associated with an ADRB2 single-nucleotide polymorphism
McCarty CA; Burmester JK; Mukesh BN; Patchett RB; Wilke RA
Archives of Ophthalmology 2008; 126: 959-963
21492 Topical antiglaucoma medications and lacrimal drainage system obstruction
Kashkouli MB; Rezaee R; Nilforoushan N; Salimi S; Foroutan A; Naseripour M
Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2008; 24: 172-175

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