

11.3.4 Betablocker (9)

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Display all abstracts in classification 11.3.4 Betablocker

Search within classification 11.3.4 Betablocker
26670 Analysis of hydrophobic interactions of antagonists with the beta2-adrenergic receptor
Novoseletsky VN; Pyrkov TV; Efremov RG
SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 2010; 21: 37-55
26890 Predictors for visual field progression and the effects of treatment with dorzolamide 2% or brinzolamide 1% each added to timolol 0.5% in primary open-angle glaucoma
Martinez A; Sanchez-Salorio M
Acta Ophthalmologica 2010; 88: 541-552
26455 Visual field loss in patients with normal-tension glaucoma under topical nipradilol or timolol: Subgroup and subfield analyses of the nipradilol-timolol study
Araie M; Shirato S; Yamazaki Y; Kitazawa Y; Ohashi Y
Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 2010; 54: 278-285
26737 The influence of carteolol and pentoxyphylin on the visual field in glaucoma patients - Case reports of selected patients
Machu V
Česka a Slovenska Oftalmologie 2010; 66: 39-42
26754 The structure of betaxolol studied by infrared spectroscopy and natural bond orbital theory
Canotilho J; Castro RAE
Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2010; 76: 395-400
26348 Meta-analysis of the efficacy and safety of alpha2-adrenergic agonists, beta-adrenergic antagonists, and topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors with prostaglandin analogs
Tanna AP; Rademaker AW; Stewart WC; Feldman RM
Archives of Ophthalmology 2010; 128: 825-833
26649 Efficacy and mechanisms of intraocular pressure reduction with latanoprost and timolol in participants with ocular hypertension: A comparison of 1 and 6 weeks of treatment
Johnson TV; Fan S; Zhan G; Camras CB; Toris CB
Journal of Glaucoma 2010; 19: 356-364
26724 A 12-week, randomized, double-masked study of fixed combination latanoprost/timolol versus latanoprost or timolol monotherapy
Palmberg P; Kim EE; Kwok KK; Tressler CS
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2010; 20: 708-718
26730 The combination latanoprost-timolol versus twice daily 0.50% timolol administration either associated or not with latanoprost: efficacy and tolerability in the primary open-angle glaucoma
Pacella E; Pacella F; Cavallotti C; Librando A; Feher J; Pecori-Giraldi J
European review for medical and pharmacological sciences 2010; 14: 477-480

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