

11.5.2 Topical (15)

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8659 Comparative analysis of the effects of dorzolamide and latanoprost on ocular hemodynamics in normal tension glaucoma patients
Harris A; Migliardi R; Rechtman E; Cole CN; Yee AB; Garzozi HJ
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 13: 24-31
8586 Dorzolamide x apraclonidine in the prevention of the intraocular pressur spike after Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy
Arieta CEL; Amaral MS; Matuda E; Crosta C; De Carvalho Moreira Filho D; Kara José N
Current Eye Research 2002; 25: 237-241
8483 Dorzolamide/timolol combination versus concomitant administration of brimonidine and timolol: six-month comparison of efficacy and tolerability
Sall KN; Greff LJ; Johnson-Pratt LR; DeLucca PT; Polis AB; Kolodny AH; Fletcher CA; Cassel DA; Boyle DR; Skobieranda F
Ophthalmology 2003; 110: 615-624
8487 Timolol 0.5%/dorzolamide 2% fixed combination vs timolol maleate 0.5% and unoprostone 0.15% given twice daily to patients with primary open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension
Day DG; Schacknow PN; Wand M; Sharpe ED; Stewart JA; Leech JN; Stewart WC
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 135: 138-143
8712 The efficacy and safety of the timolol/dorzolamide fixed combination versus latanoprost in exfoliation glaucoma
Konstas AGP; Kozobolis VP; Tersis I; Leech JN; Stewart WC
Eye 2003; 17: 41-46
8774 The effect of latanoprost, brimonidine, and a fixed combination of timolol and dorzolamide on circadian intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension
Orzalesi N; Rossetti L; Bottoli A; Fumagalli E; Fogagnolo P
Archives of Ophthalmology 2003; 121: 453-457
8677 Influence of dorzolamide on corneal endothelium
Inoue K; Okugawa K; Oshika T; Amano S
Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 47: 129-133
8788 Blockers of carbonic anhydrase can cause increase of retinal capillary diameter, decrease of extracellular and increase of intracellular pH in rat retinal organ culture
Reber F; Gersch U; Funk RHW
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2003; 241: 140-148
8794 Cost-minimisation study of dorzolamide versus brinzolamide in the treatment of ocular hypertension and primary open-angle glaucoma: In four european countries
Rouland JF; Le Pen C; Pinto CG; Berto P; Berdeaux G
PharmacoEconomics 2003; 21: 201-213
8815 Acute and chronic ocular symptoms of dorzolamide 2% compared with placebo
Stewart WC; Stewart JA; Leech JN
Journal of Glaucoma 2003; 12: 151-155
8509 Preclinical and clinical studies on brinzolamide, the newest topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
Yan X; Guangren P
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2002; 20: 560-564
8575 Comparison of latanoprost and dorzolamide in patients with open angle glaucoma
Ahmad Lone I; Rizvi A; Sajjad Ahmad S; Ahmad Unto R
JK Science 2003; 5: 26-28
8510 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Synthesis of water soluble sulfonamides incorporating a 4-sulfamoylphenylmethylthiourea scaffold, with potent intraocular pressure lowering properties
Casin A; Scozzafava A; Mincione F; Menabuoni L; Supuran CT
Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 2002; 17: 333-343
8512 Cyclodextrin complexes of sulfonamide carbonic anhydrase inhibitors as long-lasting topically acting antiglaucoma agents
Maestrelli F; Mura P; Casini A; Mincione F; Scozzafava A; Supuran CT
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2002; 91: 2211-2219
8511 Functional analysis of retinal vessel diameter reaction to artificially raised intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients with and without dorzolamide therapy
Nagel E; Vilser W; Lanzl I
Vasa Journal of Vascular Diseases 2002; 31: 230-234

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