

11.7 Treatment of bloodflow (3)

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Display all abstracts in classification 11.7 Treatment of bloodflow

Search within classification 11.7 Treatment of bloodflow
9939 The effects of antiglaucoma and systemic medications on ocular blood flow
Costa VP; Harris A; Stefansson E; Flammer J; Krieglstein GK; Orzalesi N; Heijl A; Renard JP; Serra LM
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2003; 22: 769-805
9937 Effects of lomerizine, a calcium channel antagonist, on retinal and optic nerve head circulation in rabbits and humans
Tamaki Y; Araie M; Fukaya Y; Nagahara M; Imamura A; Honda M; Obata R; Tomita K
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2003; 44: 4864-4871
9938 The effect of Erigeron Breviscapus (Vant) Hand-Mazz on ocular blood flow in glaucomatous eyes
Ye C; Jiang Y
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2003; 21: 527-530

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