

12.1 General management, indication (3)

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Display all abstracts in classification 12.1 General management, indication

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13881 Agreement between optometrists and ophthalmologists on clinical management decisions for patients with glaucoma
Banes MJ; Culham LE; Bunce C; Xing W; Viswanathan A; Garway-Heath D
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2006; 90: 579-585
13883 Glaucoma management trends in Australia and New Zealand
Gaskin BJ; Carroll SC; Gamble G; Goldberg I; Danesh-Meyer HV
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2006; 34: 208-212
13885 24-hour intraocular pressure control with maximum medical therapy compared with surgery in patients with advanced open-angle glaucoma
Konstas AG; Topouzis F; Leliopoulou O; Pappas T; Georgiadis N; Jenkins JN; Stewart WC
Ophthalmology 2006; 113: 765e1

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