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12.17 Anesthesia (6)

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5281 Effects of peribulbar anesthesia on ocular blood flow in patients undergoing cataract surgery.
Findl O; Dallinger S; Menapace R; Rainer G; Georgopoulos M; Kiss B; Schmetterer L
American Journal of Ophthalmology 1999; 127: 645-649
5529 Sub-Tenon's anesthesia for combined cataract and glaucoma surgery (letter)
Bellucci R; Morselli S; Pucci V; Babighian S
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 1999; 25: 606-607
5536 Trabecular outflow facility and formation rate of aqueous humor during anesthesia with sevoflurane-nitrous oxide or sevoflurane-remifentanil in rabbits
Artru AA; Momota Y
Anesthesia and Analgesia 1999; 88: 781-786
5537 Intraocular penetration of topical lidocaine 4%.
Bellucci R; Morselli S; Pucci V; Zordan R; Magnolfi G
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 1999; 25: 642-647
5538 Titrierbare intraoperative Anästhesie und postoperative Analgesie(Titrable intraoperative anesthesia and postoperative analgesia)
Budde WM; Jonas JB; Hemmerling TM; Dinkel M
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 1999; 214: 270-271
5539 A randomized trial of the effect of midazolam on intraocular pressure
Carter K; Faberowski LK; Sherwood MB; Berman LS; McGorray S
Journal of Glaucoma 1999; 8: 204-207

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