

12.8.1 Without tube implant (9)

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Display all abstracts in classification 12.8.1 Without tube implant

Search within classification 12.8.1 Without tube implant
50232 Corneal hysteresis is correlated with reduction in axial length after trabeculectomy
Huang C; Zhang M; Huang Y; Chen B; Lam DS; Congdon N
Current Eye Research 2012; 37: 381-387
50572 Effect of trabeculectomy on RNFL thickness and optic disc parameters using optical coherence tomography
Raghu N; Pandav SS; Kaushik S; Ichhpujani P; Gupta A
Eye 2012; 26: 1131-1137
50626 Outcome of trabeculectomy in hospital Melaka, Malaysia
Heng Hah M; Norliza Raja Omar R; Jalaluddin J; Fadzillah Abd Jalil N; Selvathurai A
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2012; 5: 384-388
50303 Use of a fibrin adhesive for conjunctival closure in trabeculectomy
Martinez-de-la-Casa JM; Rayward O; Saenz-Frances F; Mendez C; Bueso ES; Garcia-Feijoo J
Acta Ophthalmologica 2013; 91: 425-428
50352 Nonpenetrating very deep sclerectomy with hyaluronic acid implant vs trabeculectomy - a 2-year follow-up
Leszczyń,ski R; Formiń,ska-Kapuś,cik M; Bubał,a-Stachowicz B; Mrukwa-Kominek E; Filipek E; Pawlicki K
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2012; 250: 1835-1841
50247 Postoperative management of penetrating and nonpenetrating external filtering procedures
Bettin P
Developments in Ophthalmology 2012; 50: 48-63
50599 Effects of Combined Phacoemulsification and Viscogoniosynechialysis versus Trabeculectomy in Patients with Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma and Coexisting Cataract
Tang Y; Qian S; Wang J; Yao J; Xu J; Cheng L; Zhou C
Ophthalmologica 2012; 228: 167-173
50422 Comparison of combined phacotrabeculectomy with trabeculectomy only in the treatment of primary angle-closure glaucoma
Wang M; Fang M; Bai YJ; Zhang WZ; Lin MK; Liu BQ; Hao YT; Ling YL; Zhuo YH; Ge J
Chinese Medical Journal 2012; 125: 1429-1433
50566 Trabeculectomy: the limitations for registrar training
Sun LL; Lee GA
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2013; 41: 135-139

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