

12.8.1 Without tube implant (5)

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Display all abstracts in classification 12.8.1 Without tube implant

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3398 Individual factors influencing trabecular morphology in glaucoma patients undergoing filtration surgery
Dietlein TS; Lüke C; Jacobi PC; Krieglstein GK
Journal of Glaucoma 2002; 11: 197-202
3480 Optic disc blood flow change after trabeculectomy
Xu Z; Chen X; Song G
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2002; 20: 170-172
3532 The effects of topical administration of pilocarpine on the successful rate of trabeculectomy for primary closure-angle glaucoma
Zhang J; Lin J; Li X
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2002; 20: 150-152
3642 The National Survey of Trabeculectomy. III. Early and late complications
Edmunds B; Thompson JR; Salmon JF; Wormald RP
Eye 2002; 16: 297-303
3643 Long-term outcome of trabeculectomy in terms of intraocular pressure
Ehrnrooth P; Lehto I; Puska P; Laatikainen L
Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica 2002; 80: 267-271

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