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12.8.2 With tube implant or other drainage devices (19)

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Search within classification 12.8.2 With tube implant or other drainage devices
28179 Posterior migration of Ahmed glaucoma valve tube in a patient with Reiger anomaly: a case report
Gupta VS; Sethi HS; Gupta M; Mehta A; Singh S; Yadav P; Malik KP
BMC Ophthalmology 2010; 10: 23
27695 Surgical reposition of a dislocated Ex-PRESS miniature device
Vetrugno M; Ferreri P; Cardascia N; Sborgia C
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2011; 21: 212-214
28200 Dealing with retinal detachment in a patient with aphakia, an Artisan lens, and an ExPress valve in situ
Georgalas I; Petrou P; Ladas I; Papaconstantinou D; Gotsis S; Koutsandrea C
Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology 2011; 30: 80-83
27672 The ahmed baerveldt comparison study methodology, baseline patient characteristics, and intraoperative complications
Barton K; Gedde SJ; Budenz DL; Feuer WJ; Schiffman J; Ahmed Baerveldt Comparison Study Group
Ophthalmology 2011; 118: 435-42
27678 Randomized evaluation of the trabecular micro-bypass stent with phacoemulsification in patients with glaucoma and cataract
Samuelson TW; Katz LJ; Wells JM; Duh YJ; Giamporcaro JE; US iStent Study Group
Ophthalmology 2011; 118: 459-467
28135 Combined Ex-PRESS LR-50/IOL implantation in modified deep sclerectomy plus phacoemulsification for glaucoma associated with cataract
Gindroz F; Roy S; Mermoud A; Schnyder CC
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2011; 21: 12-19
28084 Late bleb leak management with trabeculectomy shutdown, baerveldt glaucoma device implantation, and titratable tube lumen size
Miller G; Tam DY; Ahmed IIK
Journal of Glaucoma 2011; 20: 51-56
27969 Corneal endothelial morphology in eyes implanted with anterior chamber aqueous shunts
Hau S; Scott A; Bunce C; Barton K
Cornea 2011; 30: 50-55
27965 Long-term results of combined endoscope-assisted pars plana vitrectomy and glaucoma tube shunt surgery
Tarantola RM; Agarwal A; Lu P; Joos KM
Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2011; 31: 275-283
27962 In vitro fluid dynamics of the ahmed glaucoma valve modified with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene
DeCroos FC; Kondo Y; Mordes D; Lee MR; Ahmad S; Asrani S; Allingham RR; Olbrich KC; Klitzman B
Current Eye Research 2011; 36: 112-117
27663 Treatment Outcomes in the Ahmed Baerveldt Comparison Study after 1 Year of Follow-up
Budenz DL; Barton K; Feuer WJ; Schiffman J; Costa VP; Godfrey DG; Buys YM; Ahmed Baerveldt Comparison Study Group
Ophthalmology 2011; 118: 443-452
27926 Combined 25-gauge vitrectomy and posterior tube shunt placement for advanced glaucoma
Reichstein D; Kammer J; Recchia F
Ophthalmology 2011; 118: 77-81
27783 In vivo study comparing an X-shaped polymethylmethacrylate and a cylindrical collagen implant for deep sclerectomy
Codreanu A; Tran HV; Wiaux C; Mansouri K; Roy S; Mermoud A; Schnyder C
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2011; 39: 135–141
27797 Assessment of bleb morphologic features and postoperative outcomes after ex-PRESS drainage device implantation versus trabeculectomy
Good TJ; Kahook MY
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2011; 151: 507-513
27884 Concept of a Pressure-Controlled Microstent for Glaucoma Therapy
Schmidt W; Schultze C; Stachs O; Allemann R; Lobler M; Sternberg K; Hinze U; Chichkov BN; Guthoff R; Schmitz K-P
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2010; 227: 946-952
27828 MRI of the Ex-PRESS stainless steel glaucoma drainage device
Seibold LK; Rorrer RAL; Kahook MY
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2011; 95: 251-254
27968 Management of endothelial decompensation because of glaucoma shunt tube touch by descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty and tube revision
Bersudsky V; Trevino A; Rumelt S
Cornea 2011; 30:709-711
28097 Intermediate term safety and efficacy of transscleral cyclophotocoagulation after tube shunt failure
Ness PJ; Khaimi MA; Feldman RM; Tabet R; Sarkisian SR; Skuta GL; Chuang AZ; Mankiewicz KA
Journal of Glaucoma 2011; Epub ahead of print
27703 Imaging of blebs after phacotrabeculectomy with Ologen collagen matrix implants
Boey PY; Narayanaswamy A; Zheng C; Perera SA; Htoon HM; Tun TA; Seah SK; Wong TT; Aung T
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2011; 95: 340-344

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