

12.8.2 With tube implant or other drainage devices (7)

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Display all abstracts in classification 12.8.2 With tube implant or other drainage devices

Search within classification 12.8.2 With tube implant or other drainage devices
19278 Use of the ex-press miniature glaucoma implant in a child with Sturge-Weber syndrome
Elgin U; Simsek T; Batman A
Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus 2007; 44: 248-250
19402 Pars plana Ahmed valve implant and vitrectomy in the management of neovascular glaucoma
Faghihi H; Hajizadeh F; Mohammadi SF; Kadkhoda A; Peyman GA; Riazi-Esfahani M
Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging 2007; 38: 292-300
19372 Transcorneal tube extrusion in a child with a Baerveldt glaucoma drainage device
Maki JL; Nesti HA; Shetty RK; Rhee DJ
Journal of AAPOS 2007; 11: 395-397
19540 Long-term success in the correction of exposed glaucoma drainage tubes with a tube extender
Merrill KD; Suhr AW; Lim MC
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 144: 136-137
19492 Long-term results of Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation for uveitic glaucoma
Papadaki TG; Zacharopoulos IP; Pasquale LR; Christen WB; Netland PA; Foster CS
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 144: 62-69
19544 Glaucoma drainage system according to Molteno for therapy-resistant glaucoma - a two-stage surgical technique to avoid postoperative hypertension
Schmidt JC; Meyer CH; Hörle S
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2007; 224: 641-646
19591 Force and geometry determine structure and function of glaucoma filtration capsules
Wilcox M; Kadri OA
Ophthalmologica 2007; 221: 238-243

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