

12.8.2 With tube implant or other drainage devices (17)

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Search within classification 12.8.2 With tube implant or other drainage devices
20114 Trabeculectomy with mitomycin C versus Ahmed glaucoma implant with mitomycin C for treatment of pediatric aphakic glaucoma
Pakravan M; Homayoon N; Shahin Y; Ali Reza BR
Journal of Glaucoma 2007; 16: 631-636
19782 Late-onset pediatric glaucoma associated with cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita managed with Molteno implant surgery: Case report and review of the literature
Murphy CC; Khong CH; Ward WJ; Morgan WH
Journal of AAPOS 2007; 11: 519-521
20064 Primary single-plate Molteno tube implantation for management of glaucoma in children with Sturge-Weber syndrome
Amini H; Razeghinejad MR; Esfandiarpour B
International Ophthalmology 2007; 27: 345-350
19940 Glaucoma drainage implants in the treatment of refractory glaucoma in pediatric patients
Autrata R; Helmanova I; Oslejskova H; Vondracek P; Rehurek J
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 17: 928-937
19979 A comparison of the polypropylene plate Ahmed glaucoma valve to the silicone plate Ahmed glaucoma flexible valve
Hinkle DM; Zurakowski D; Ayyala RS
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 17: 696-701
19701 MR imaging features of giant reservoir formation in the orbit: An unusual complication of Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation
Jeon TY; Kim H-J; Kim ST; Chung T-Y; Kee C
American Journal of Neuroradiology 2007; 28: 1565-1566
19765 Ciliary sulcus Ahmed valve implantation
Moon K; Kim YC; Kim KS
Korean Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 21: 127-130
19711 Penetrating keratoplasty with pars plana glaucoma drainage devices
Ritterband DC; Shapiro D; Trubnik V; Marmor M; Meskin S; Seedor J; Liebmann JM; Tello C; Koplin R; Harizman N
Cornea 2007; 26: 1060-1066
20086 Ex-PRESS R-50 miniature glaucoma implant insertion under the conjunctiva combined with cataract extraction
Rivier D; Roy S; Mermoud A
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2007; 33: 1946-1952
19825 Use of an injector for the Ex-PRESS&trade Mini Glaucoma Shunt
Sarkisian Jr SR
Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging 2007; 38: 434-436
20113 Tube extender for revision of glaucoma drainage implants
Sarkisian SR; Netland PA
Journal of Glaucoma 2007; 16: 637-639
19976 Long-term outcomes of Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation in refractory glaucomas
Souza C; Tran DH; Loman J; Law SK; Coleman AL; Caprioli J
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 144: 893-900
20124 Exposure of Ex-PRESS Miniature Glaucoma Devices: Case series and technique for tube shunt removal
Stein JD; Herndon LW; Bond JB; Challa P
Journal of Glaucoma 2007; 16: 704-706
20116 The efficacy of a modified ACTSEB (anterior chamber tube shunt to an encircling band) procedure
Suh MH; Park KH; Kim TW; Kim DM
Journal of Glaucoma 2007; 16: 622-626
19752 Lateral tube repositioning following a Baerveldt glaucoma implant : An alternative surgical procedure in the case of repeated conjunctival arrosion
Dietlein TS; Jordan J; Krieglstein GK
Ophthalmologe 2007; 104: 508-510
19822 Early postoperative endophthalmitis after pars plana Ahmed valve placement with persistent extraocular infection
Park SS; Rabowsky J
Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging 2007; 38: 404-405
19844 Effect of amniotic membrane transplantation under conjunctival flap on Ahmed glaucoma valve fiber wrap
Wu L-P
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 7: 1442-1443

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