
WGA Rescources

12.8.3 Non-perforating (5)

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Display all abstracts in classification 12.8.3 Non-perforating

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50624 External sclerostomy with the femtosecond laser versus a surgical knife in rabbits
Shi Y; Yang XB; Dai NL; Long H; Lu PX; Jin L; Jiang FG
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2012; 5: 258-265
50247 Postoperative management of penetrating and nonpenetrating external filtering procedures
Bettin P
Developments in Ophthalmology 2012; 50: 48-63
50646 Minimally invasive iridocorneal angle surgery
Jordan JF
Ophthalmologe 2012; 109: 713-724
50024 A comparison of intrascleral bleb height by anterior segment OCT using three different implants in deep sclerectomy
Ferná,ndez-Buenaga R; Rebolleda G; Casas-Llera P; Muñ,oz-Negrete FJ; Pé,rez-Ló,pez M
Eye 2012; 26: 552-556
50640 Supraciliary Hema Implant in Combined Deep Sclerectomy and Phacoemulsification: One Year Results
Bonilla R; Loscos J; Valldeperas X; Parera MA; Sabala A
Open Ophthalmology Journal 2012; 6: 59-62

Issue 14-2

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