

12.8.3 Non-perforating (13)

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19176 Deep sclerectomy with a collagen implant using the excimer laser
Argento C; Sanseau AC; Badoza D; Casiraghi J
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2001; 27: 504-506
19177 Does the dissection depth and thickness of the deep scleral flap influence the intraocular pressure after viscocanalostomy? A clinico-pathologic correlation
Dietlein TS; Lüke C; Jacobi PC; Konen W; Krieglstein GK
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2001; 218: 168-173
19178 Results and issues of nonpenetrating trabeculectomy
Fukuchi T; Abe H; Suda K; Hara H; Nakatsue T; Funaki S; Ohta A; Shirakashi M
Folia Ophthalmologica Japonica / Nihon Ganka Kiyo 2000; 51: 852-856
19179 Post-surgical control of intraocular pressure in cataract and glaucoma combined surgery with common trabeculectomy versus sclerectomy
Gallardo-Vallejo G; Montor-Pacheco AM
Revista Mexicana de Oftalmologia 2000; 74: 83-86
19180 Non penetrating deep sclerectomy: medium-term results of the first patients
Guedes VMP; Guedes RAP
Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia 2001; 60: 20-24
19181 How does nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery work? Aqueous outflow resistance and glaucoma surgery
Johnson DH; Johnson M
Journal of Glaucoma 2001; 10: 55-67
19182 Primary viscocanalostomy versus trabeculectomy in white patients with open-angle glaucoma: a randomized clinical trial
Jonescu-Cuypers CP; Jacobi PC; Konen W; Krieglstein GK
Ophthalmology 2001; 108: 254-258
19183 A case of chronic angle-closure glaucoma treated by nonpenetrating trabeculectomy
Katsushima H; Maruyama I; Yakuwa N
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2001; 55: 187-191
19184 Ultrasound biomicroscopy and intraocular-pressure-lowering mechanisms of deep sclerectomy with reticulated hyaluronic acid implant
Marchini G; Marraffa M; Brunelli C; Morbio R; Bonomi L
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2001; 27: 507-517
19185 Combined cataract-glaucoma surgery with deep sclerectomy instead of goniotrephination in the peri- and early postoperative phases
Mohr A; Rais M; Eckardt C
Ophthalmologe 2001; 98: 253-257
19186 Nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery
Netland PA
Ophthalmology 2001; 108: 416-421
19187 Non-penetrating glaucoma surgery: the state of play
Tan JCH; Hitchings RA
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2001; 85: 234-237
19188 The sartorial specter of viscocanalostomy
Van Buskirk EM
Journal of Glaucoma 2001; 10: 1-3

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