

12.8.3 Non-perforating (12)

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Display all abstracts in classification 12.8.3 Non-perforating

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9981 Deep sclerectomy with a nonabsorbable implant (T-Flux): preliminary results
Ates H; Üretmen Ö; Andaç K; Azarsiz SS
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 38: 482-488
9975 Aqueous dynamic and histological findings after deep sclerectomy with collagen implant in an animal model
Delarive T; Rossier A; Rossier S; Ravinet E; Shaarawy T; Mermoud A
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 87: 1340-1344
9987 Assessment of nonpenetrating deep sclerectomy with reticulated hyaluronic acid implant SKGEL and/or preoperative application of 5-luorouracil: results of two and a half years
Detry Morel M; De Temmerman S
Bulletin de la Société Belge d'Ophtalmologie 2003; 287: 53-62
9982 Deep sclerectomy in patients with capsular glaucoma
Drolsum L
Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica 2003; 81: 567-572
9980 Nonpenetrating filtering surgery and goniopuncture (staged trabeculectomy) for episcleral venous pressure glaucoma
Libre PE
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 136: 1172-1174
9976 Bleeding during gonioscopy after deep sclerectomy
Moreno-Montanes J; Rodriguez-Conde R
Journal of Glaucoma 2003; 12: 427-429
9985 Erbium:YAG laser deep sclerectomy: an alternative approach to glaucoma surgery
Pallikaris IG; Kozobolis VP; Christodoulakis EV
Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging 2003; 34: 375-380
10033 Pathological study of the deep scleral flap and external trabecular membrane obtained from non-penetrating trabecular surgery
Sun X; Wang Y; Meng F
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 39: 462-465
10042 Comparison of outcomes of viscocanalostomy and phacoviscocanalostomy
Üretmen Ö; Ateş H; Güven S; Andaç K
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 38: 580-586
9983 Complications of neodymium:YAG laser goniopuncture after deep sclerectomy
Vuori ML
Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica 2003; 81: 573-576
10032 Treatment of open angle glaucoma with deep sclerectomy combined with laser trabecular puncture
Yin J; Tong F; Wu L; Wu R
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 39: 466-470
9979 The combination of non-perforating trabecular surgery and amniotic membrane implantation in the treatment of secondary open-angle glaucoma
Zhong P; Dong Y; Li R
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2003; 21: 524-526

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