

12.8.3 Non-perforating (12)

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10452 Viscocanalostomy in patients with glaucoma secondary to uveitis: preliminary report
Miserocchi E; Carassa RG; Bettin P; Brancato R
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2004; 30: 566-570
10228 Intracorneal hematoma with descemet membrane detachment after viscocanalostomy
Fujimoto H; Mizoguchi T; Kuroda S; Nagata M
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2004; 137: 195-136
10225 Postoperative results of non-penetrating trabeculectomy for primary open-angle glaucoma
Kawashima M; Yamazaki Y; Mizuki K; Hayamizu F; Nakagami T; Tanaka C
Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi 2004; 108: 103-109
10480 Nonpenetrating deep sclerectomy: a six-year retrospective study
Lachkar Y; Neverauskiene J; Jeanteur Lunel MN; Gracies H; Berkani M; Ecoffet M; Kopel J; Kretz G; Lavat P; Lehrer M
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2004; 14: 26-36
10223 Outcome of nonpenetrating trabeculectomy for glaucoma
Murakami T; Miyamoto H; Kurakazu T; Hata Y
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 187-191
10222 Concave trabeculo-Descemet's membrane as an early sign of viscocanalostomy failure
Negri-Aranguren IC; Devoto M; Dolzani DY; Sea SI; Grigera DE; Acosta J
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2004; 30: 826-831
10224 Nonpenetrating deep sclerectomy with the use of adjunctive mitomycin C
Neudorfer M; Sadetzki S; Anisimova S; Geyer O
Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging 2004; 35: 6-12
10230 T-Flux implant versus Healon GV in deep sclerectomy
Ravinet E; Bovey E; Mermoud A
Journal of Glaucoma 2004; 13: 46-50
10229 Comparative study between deep sclerectomy with and without collagen implant: long-term follow-up
Shaarawy T; Nguyen C; Schnyder C; Mermoud A
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2004; 88: 95-98
10231 Gonioscopic view of the trabeculo-Descemet's membrane after deep sclerectomy
Vuori ML
Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica 2004; 82: 154-157
10527 Effect of non-penetrating trabecular surgery with amniotic membrane implant on patients with juvenile glaucoma
Liu ZR; Wang J
Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi 2004; 40: 78-81
10227 Results and mechanism of action of non-perforating deep sclerotomy in intraoperative monitoring of the hypotensive effect
Shmyreva VF; Petrov SI
Vestnik Oftalmologii 2003; 119: 14-16

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